Includes prevention and treatment of milk teeth and young permanent teeth.
The adventure with the dentist’s office should start at 18 months. The first visit is an adaptive visit and consists of familiarizing the child with the office and dental chair. In addition, there is a conversation with the parent about eating habits and the child’s oral hygiene.
In order to prevent the development of caries, it is recommended to check the dental office once every 3 months. On follow-up visits, an oral examination is performed, or hygienic and preventive measures are carried out, i.e.
Due to the very rapid development of caries in immature teeth. if even a small carious defect appears in a milk tooth or young permanent tooth, the caries should be removed immediately and the tooth restored. To fill the defects in milk teeth, it is possible to use colored filling materials.
The Dental Gallery office uses a system of rewarding small patients for good cooperation.
The purpose of the first visit is to gather as much information as possible about the patient's state of health, his individual therapeutic needs and the course of current treatment.
Implantology is a modern field of restorative dentistry and consists in supplementing a missing tooth or teeth with implants.
Dental prosthetics is a part of restorative dentistry, which consists of replacing missing teeth or rebuilding a damaged part of a tooth.
Dental surgery includes a number of procedures within the oral cavity, which are performed under local anaesthesia.
Orthodontics is a field that deals with the prevention and treatment of malocclusion and dental abnormalities.
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of teeth. The starting point for assessing their color and shape is first to carry out professional cleaning, including scaling, sanding and polishing.